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Carol Zuber Pittore, MS, LCGC

Genetic Counseling

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About Carol Zuber Pittore, MS, LCGC

Carol Zuber Pittore combines science and conversation with individuals to assess their risk for disease and educate them about disease inheritance, prevention, and management. 

Focusing on women at risk for breast cancer, Carol looks at the many possible pathways to cancer development and works within a multidisciplinary team to recommend the right tests for information and possible treatment decisions.  She seeks to understand her clients’ stories to help them make informed choices and to develop genetic family histories that will be helpful for their families.

A licensed board-certified genetic counselor, Carol earned a master’s degree in genetic counseling from the University of Pittsburgh. She had many years of experience in MFM/prenatal genetic counseling and cancer genetic counseling before coming to practice at Comprehensive Breast Care Surgeons, a Redeemer Health Physician Practice. 

After graduating from Middlebury College, Carol considered going to medical school. She took a course in human genetics and was invited to attend a lecture presented by a well-known geneticist. That’s when she decided to become a genetic counselor. Growing up, Carol worked many summers with her dad, who was a dentist. She observed how he respected patients’ differences and gave them choices in their own care. This shaped Carol’s philosophy as a genetic counselor – helping patients to explore their genetic testing options and giving them the knowledge to make informed decisions about their health.