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Ten To-do Items For Your Third Trimester


Welcome to the third trimester! As the time approaches to meeting your little one, you may be wondering what you should be doing during the last part of your pregnancy. Here is a list of ten things for your to-do list in the third trimester:

1. Get Familiar with Third Trimester Screenings and Visits

The frequency of your routine check-ups will increase during the last trimester to every two weeks, and eventually every week. Your doctor will want to perform certain tests, such as Group B Strep, and administer any immunizations you may want. If your blood type is Rh Negative, you will most likely receive a Rhogam injection, if you haven’t had one already during your pregnancy. Ask your doctor for a list of tests and additional exams you can expect in your third trimester.

2. Finish Taking Prenatal Classes

Take a look at all of the classes offered in your area, and decide which ones would benefit you. Remember to sign up as early as possible, as these classes can fill up quickly. Consider classes such as childbirth, breastfeeding, or infant CPR. Here’s a link to classes offered by Redeemer Health.

3. Start Doing Kick Counts

Around week 28, start keeping track of your baby’s movements. The general rule of thumb is ten fetal movements in two hours. If you notice any decrease in movement, it’s a good idea to notify your doctor.

4. Choose a Pediatrician

Before you go into labor, you should choose a pediatrician for your baby. Doctor’s offices will typically hold meet and greet sessions, where you can familiarize yourself with the staff and the office policies.

5. Read and Ask Questions about Breastfeeding

If you have decided to breastfeed your baby, now is the time to learn about what to expect and any complications that may arise. It’s often a good idea to take a breastfeeding class if this is your first baby. The key to breastfeeding successfully and in a way that’s healthy for you and baby is having the support YOU need. The Breastfeeding Resource Center is here to help.

6. Take a Hospital Tour

Before going into labor, try to take a tour of the hospital or birthing center where you intend to give birth. This gives you the opportunity to get familiar with the layout of the facility.

7. Install the Car Seat

All babies are required to ride home from the hospital in a car seat, and now is a good time to have it installed. Often, you can take the car seat to a local fire or police department certified in car seat installation, and have them install it for you to make sure it is done correctly.

8. Read and/or Take a Class on How to Take Care of Baby

Now that you’ve probably read all about your pregnancy, it’s time to start reading about how to care for your baby once they arrive. Redeemer Health offers a few options for classes.

9. Know the Signs of Labor

There are several signs your body is preparing for labor, including regular tightening in the pelvic area and the onset of a backache. Knowing the signs that you might be in labor is important so you know when to call your doctor and when to head to the hospital. Experiencing any of these signs before 37 weeks could indicate preterm labor, and should be reported to your doctor right away.

10. Plan or Plans in Place For When You Go Into Labor

As soon as your contractions begin, you will want to have a plan in place so you know who you should call and where you need to go. Have your hospital bag ready so you will have one less thing to worry about before heading out to meet your baby.

While it seems like there’s a lot to do before baby comes, the third trimester is also a good time to slow down, relax and enjoy the final stage of your pregnancy. The best is yet to come!